CO₂ and the dangers

CO₂ – why measuring air quality is so important!

As a teacher you probably recognize it, especially on hot days; students complaining of headaches, they are less alert and do not absorb the material well. But these complaints can also occur in other public spaces where many people are present. The cause could well be an excessive level/presence of carbon dioxide/CO₂. Frequent in the

Export van stalen paardenboxen met het Praxas Container Pack

Export of steel horse boxes with the Praxas Container Pack

Smulders has been guaranteeing high-quality products for the horse market for twenty years. Everything, including horse boxes, is developed and produced in-house, in Poland. All production employees have extensive experience in steel production and process both mild and stainless steel. Smulders‘ customers are located all over the world. From Australia to the United States. The

Moisture in a Container and its Effect on your Goods

Moisture in a Container and its Effect on your Goods

Shipping by container is an economical and safe choice to transport goods. There are as many as 5 to 6 million containers at sea at any time, anywhere in the world. These containers carry your goods. And virtually every product, from steel to paper, wood to textiles, is susceptible to moisture. Moisture can cause loss,

Protect flowers during transport with TLX2 Cargo Covers

Protect Flowers During Transport with TLX2

Temperatures around the world vary greatly, even on a relatively small scale. For instance, while it is only 18 degrees during the day in Finland, it reaches 36 degrees in Spain. And where it is highly variable in Breda (the Netherlands), the sun shines brightly in Alanya (Turkey), just a few hours’ flight away. These

Monitoring vaccinations: 24/7 insight with the PraxasCloud

From 3 June, GPs in the Netherlands can again order flu and pneumococcal vaccines for the annual vaccination campaign in the autumn. These vaccines are crucial for public health, but they require careful temperature monitoring to maintain their effectiveness. We highlight why monitoring vaccinations is imperative and how technology, such as WiFi data loggers from